Principle Investigators

Robin Dowell, D.Sc.


Professor - Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Council - BioFrontiers Institute
Affiliated Faculty - Computer Science
Core Faculty - Computational Bioscience Program (UCHSC)
Linda Crnic Institute Investigator
Boettcher Investigator | Sloan Fellow | Kavli Fellow

Mary Allen, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor

Faculty Director - Responsible Conduct of Research Education Program
Linda Crnic Institute Investigator

      Affiliated Personnel

Esteban Rozen, Ph.D.

Program Manager - Crnic Institute Boulder Branch

      Research Associates

Jacob Stanley, Ph.D.

      Postdoctoral Scholars

Rutendo Sigauke, Ph.D.

Jesse Kurland, Ph.D.

Meaghan Courvan, Ph.D.

      Graduate Students

Chris Ozeroff


Hope Townsend

MCDB, IQ Biology Program

Georgia Barone

MCDB, IQ Biology Program

Malia Fredrickson


      Undergraduate Students

Brook Dagne

Computer Science

Bella Perrin


Andrew Sanders
